Remember to place the oxygen mask on yourself first


In times of stress, anxiety or uncertainty, it is even more important to take the extra steps required to maintain mental and emotional health than usual. Uncertainty and other destabilising states offer us opportunities to become more present and available to ourselves; and through this, we can become more available to others. 

When assessing our mental and emotional health, warning signs that it might be in need of attention include: anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, headaches, withdrawal, working too hard, flagging enthusiasm, depression, fatigue, boredom, stagnation, apathy, loss of a sense of humour, frustration, feeling angry, feeling resentful, feeling lonely, persistent self-doubt, violating other’s boundaries, or habitually allowing one’s own boundaries to be transgressed.  

We don’t need to be regularly overwhelmed by emotions, self-recrimination, confusion, isolation, uncertainty and so forth. Self-care can help to create inner balance, even when things are out of kilter in the world. Psychotherapy can provide the assistance and support needed to develop greater self-care, self-worth, resilience and self-reliance; to find new possibilities; to make clear decisions; and to bring about lasting change through the increased insight and awareness. By improving the quality of our own lives, we can improve the lives of our loved ones. We are freed to deal with, and to learn from, stressful times; and to handle dilemmas and conflict in calm and healthy ways.


It’s Good to Talk: Sometimes it’s Good to Talk to a Mental Health Professional